Capital Allowances [rev_slider alias="ca"]

Capital Allowances tax relief may be hidden within your clients’ commercial properties. Once identified, these allowances can be used to reduce or wipe out tax liabilities altogether.

It is essentially everything that would remain in the building if you tipped it upside down and shook it! All commercial property owners who are UK taxpayers may be entitled to claim Capital Allowances tax relief. However, the eligibility depends on several criteria and assessing this can be complicated

Our team of specialists are here to help you determine if your clients have unused allowances hiding in their property and will maximise their claim by identifying all claimable expenditure associated with the property.

The average benefit for clients is £46,000 for Capital Allowances. Therefore, not only would your clients stand to receive a significant return, but all Croner Taxwise clients we work with will also receive a direct financial benefit of a 15% commission rate of the report fee.

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