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CIPP: The Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals

With HMRC working hard to collect more tax revenue from compliance activity than ever before, this has resulted in an increase in the number of tax investigations and is affecting your clients.

As a result, Croner Taxwise are working with The Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals (CIPP) to provide clients across the country with the CIPP Payroll Assurance Scheme, a flagship payroll audit solution for your processes and people as well as a prestigious award to covet in the payroll industry. It consists of two distinct elements, one will audit your payroll processes and the other will audit the learning and development of the staff within the payroll function.

With UK payroll services accounting for up to 17 billion pounds in payroll fraud in 2017 alone, the CIPP Payroll Assurance Scheme offers peace of mind to all who work with the industry or are seeking payroll services.

As a thank you for supporting this scheme and the fight against fraud, the CIPP are offering a 10% discount on the Payroll Assurance Scheme to all Croner Taxwise clients.

Improve your process effectiveness, efficiently and show your customers and clients you care about best practice by applying today. Simply email to apply or click the button below for more information.

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